Inês is a member of the firm's Criminal Law, Misdemeanours and Compliance team.
After encountering various areas of law in the early years of her career (corporate law; technology, media and telecommunications; and intellectual property), Inês chose to devote herself exclusively to the area of criminal law, administrative offences and compliance, in which she had already specialised academically, practising for eight years. The diverse knowledge acquired throughout her career complements her work as a lawyer in sanctions law, giving her a holistic understanding of the problems and their implications.
In her area of specialisation, Inês works in both legal consultancy and dispute resolution, having already participated in several mediatic cases ("Marquês Case", "Golden Visas Case", "CMEC/EDP Case", "BES Case", "Legionella Outbreak Case", "Secretas Case", "Galpgate Case", "E-toupeira Case", Case related with “Case Tourniquet”among others).
Before joining the team as a founder, Inês practised law in renowned firms: Vieira de Almeida e Associados (from 2019 to 2022) and PLMJ Advogados SP RL (from 2012 to 2019). Inês also served as a member of the Portuguese Ombudsman's Office (2022 to 2023), where she was particularly involved in constitutional issues and issues related to the Portuguese prison system.
She is also the author and co-author of several works and articles and has had occasional experience in teaching.
Inês is a member of several national and international professional associations.